Monday, February 26, 2007

Jesus Tomb - Probably NOT

Unlike The Da Vinci Code, which is a work of pure fiction, there are now a non-fictional book and a Discovery Channel documentary claiming a tomb has been found containing bone boxes of Jesus and his family. The author of the book claimed on The NBC Today Show that:

Now the debate is going to begin because statisticians say it is significant. DNA experts say it is significant.

I wonder why it took so long for him to come forward, since the tomb and bone boxes were discovered 27 years ago. Was there an effort to cover this up? Probably not since there isn't much to cover up to begin with. The DNA evidence turns out to be tests done on DNA from the "Jesus" and "Mariamene" bone-boxes that indicated that they were not related on their mother's sides. Therefore if this turned out to be a family tomb, the two would most likely have been hushand and wife. Man, that's a most likely following a big if. And I couldn't believe he actually tried to use statistic to prove his point. Just because something is not likely does not means that it is not going to happen.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Must See TV

Police responding to burst water pipe in Long Island New York found a mummified dead body in front of a blaring television. Apparently, the man has been dead for more than one year. Many questions came to my mind when I read this news story. Why as the electricity still on when the bill has not been paid for over a year? How could a dead body mummified all by itself natually? But one keeps lingering in my mind. I wonder if anyone will notice if I am gone. I happen to believe that everyone do make a differnce, good or bad, in this world. I wonder if this person actually did not make any difference at all such that people did not notice that he was dead for over a year...

Friday, February 16, 2007

How Low Can You Go

I have seen a lot of wacky/weird/tasteless gadgets lately:

  • humping dog USB drive
  • busty mouse pad
  • breast mouse pad(this one is for raising public awareness of breast cancer, but still...)
  • Axe Mousepad - I won't even try to describe it here. You have got to see for yourself.

    I wonder how low they will go. I guess someone will sell whatever someone else will buy.
  • Thursday, February 15, 2007

    Apology NOT accepted

    Michael Waltrip has apologized for cheating at Daytona. I bet he is sorry alright. He must be very sorry that he got caught. First it was steroid use in the Major League Baseball, and now NASCAR. I wonder which professional sport will be next? What kind of examples are we setting for our kids?

    Tuesday, February 13, 2007


    I have seen many different variations on the alarm clock lately, including and not limited to:

  • hello kitty alarm clock
  • flying alarm clock
  • sonic boom alarm clock
  • danger bomb alarm clock

    The latest I have come across is the runaway alarm clock, which you will have to chase down in order to shut it off. This one may actually work for me. Since Apple is not not just a computer company anymore. I wonder what kind of alarm clock it will sell if it decides to sell one. Maybe one will all the features listed above but in a incredibly small package and a unique user interface. Oh of course it runs OS X.
  • We have a deal (or do we)

    It looks like there is finally a deal on the North Korea nuke.
    But we would not need a deal if North Korea did not cheat on the Agreed Framework that they had signed. I wonder what's different this time. I wonder if there is anything in the deal to prevent North Korea from starting their nuclear program the next time they don't want to play nice.

    I more I think about the whole thing, the more I feel that nuclear nonproliferation will never work. Why are some countries allowed to have nuclear weapons but not the rest of the world? The US may say that Iran and North Korea are rogue states. But how do you define rogue objectively? I think the only solution is to get rid of all nuclear weapons for everybody. And I do mean everyone. I wonder if we will ever get there. Sure, it will happen when mankind invents something even more destructive and makes nuclear weapons obselete.

    Thursday, February 08, 2007

    Show Me The Money

    Free Money. No this is not a spam. Nor did I include these two words to trick people into reading my blog. Well, in order the receive the free money ($15.00), you do have to spent $30.00 or more and pay for it using Paypal. But if you regularly spend that amount with Paypal, it amounts to free money. I wonder how much this little promotion is going to cost Paypal. Maybe they are feeling some heat from Google Checkout. I am a long time Paypal user. But I did signed up for Google Checkout and used it once for a $20.00 off bonus. I have no loyalty to either Paypal or Google. My loyalty is with my waller. I wonder if this is the start of a rebate war between Paypal and Google. One can always hope.

    Thou shall not bear false witness

    I really have not been following the Lewis Libby trail. But a thought came to my mind while I was reading an article in Time on the subject. Libby is on trail for lying under oath. He is certainly not the first government official being accused of doing so. Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Even though Clinton was acquitted, I really don't see how anyone can say that his infamous words:

    I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.

    was not a lie. Did he do so under oath? Well he did it when he was deposed in the Paula Jones lawsuit. I wonder if justice will prevail in the Libby case. Do you think that justice prevailed in the Clinton impeachment?


    A New York state senator has proposed a law banning the use of electronic gadgets--including MP3 players and cell phones--by pedestrians using a crosswalk. I really don't think we can legislate common sense. There are other things that people do to endanger themselves. Can we outlaw them all? I wonder if someone would ever propose a law that bans walking and chewing gum at the same time?