Thursday, October 19, 2006


After repeatedly being warned of grave consequences for nuclear testing, North Korea went ahead anyway. And there are indications that they may do it again. After not being able to stop North Korea from developing and testing nuclear weapon, the world is now warning North Korea not to export its nuclear weapon or know-how. I wonder why North Korea would listen this time. Even if they agree not to do it, they may just be doing it in secret anyway. After all, back in the days when the US was still talking to North Korea one-on-one, they signed the Agreed Framework. But North Korea cheated. I wonder what would stop them from cheating again. Since we can't stop them and we can't trust them, I wonder if there is anything anyone can do but to live with the fact the North Korea will have nuclear weapon and will sell that technology if they chose to. Or maybe we should just evacuate Seoul and bomb them back to the stone age. Since that's (the bombing part for sure, not sure about the evacuation part) what we are going to do when some terrorists buy an A-Bomb from them and set it on in the US anyway.

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