Friday, June 22, 2007

Take Your _____ To _____ Day

Today is Take Your Dog To Work Day. You are probably more familiar with Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day. That actually started out as Take Our Daughters To Work Day before the political correct police had their way. I wonder how long it would be before TYDTW Day becomes Take Your Pet To Work Day. But then I know many people who treat their pets as if their pets were their children (pet day care, pet spa, etc). So wouldn't it be more PC to have a Take Our Daughters and Sons and Pets To Work Day? But how about folks who don't have children or pets? Would it be PC to leave them out? I guess we could have a Take Your <insert your favorite minority group here> Friend To Work Day. But what about people who are unemployed? Even if they have someone to take, they have no work to take them to. I wonder what sort of day would the PC police come up with to cover everyone.

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